Recyclable cooking oil soaps for students

RecyclableThe Biology Teacher of the high school Nossa Senhora Aparecida, in Moema, Fatima Sousa, a person who loves and lives for recycling, sustainability, world health and remediation, had a light lamp shown up over her head last month. She suddenly came up with a brilliant new idea that could innovate the method of teaching around the country.

The beginning plan was to show the first graders how the production of this soap goes. But where could it take place? What about if every single student could make their own soap? Wouldn’t it be way more educative?

The materials everyone had to bring, due to Tuesday the 27th. A milk aluminium box, an ice-cream pot, two bottles of soda (2l each), one of them full of used kitchen oil and an old CD.  Due to the fact that people didn’t bring the necessary material at the time, the so waited-class had to be postponed because of the Easter Bunny.

The first day of the expected experience day finally arrived. The ones who didn’t bring the oil weren’t allowed to witness the whole adventure and, instead, had to write 20 lines about biomes. The rest of the class was divided in groups of five and everyone look madly excited. Girls had to wear a net. We put oil with sodium chloride and simply mixed. Each one received a piece of stick to wiggle the substance. It started getting thicker and when it got dense and brown, we pour it on the cut milk aluminium box. Then, we put it to wait.

Some classes later, we went back there and received our pots. The liquid transformed itself on a solid soap, just like in the picture shown above. But be aware: THE VEGETABLE COOKING OIL IS TO WASH CLOTHES NOT HANDS. =)

Camila Felix 1° A